Beijing Trip 2011

This year I had the pleasure of traveling on the 7th grade interim trip to Beijing. Our trip allowed us the opportunity to compare and contrast differences between our local community in Shanghai with Beijing, and become culturally sensitive to a country way of life versus city way of life. In addition, we fostered an appreciation of people, religion, architecture, food, sports, music and customs of new and old Beijing. My personal highlights were communicating with the locals, dancing in a Chinese park, carving a jack-o-lantern on the farm (much to the delight of students who lived in countries where Halloween is not celebrated) and eating Dong Bei cuisine. It was a great learning experience for the students to camp in a tent, shuck corn on the farm, and absail off the Great Wall of China. Most of all, I hope the students remember the new friendships, laughs and great bonding time afforded to them. How fortunate we are to be surrounded by such history and diversity!

Enjoy the pictures below!

Play to Win! Girls Lacrosse Slideshow

Grades 7 and 8, Concordia International School Shanghai.

Photos by Miss Fitz and students

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