Happy 6th Birthday to my doggie!

Today is my dog Didi's birthday, and I cannot believe how fast 6 years has gone by!  He is still really frisky, loves to play with socks, chase cats and roll in the soft grass.  I love my dog so much--he is a constant source of happiness, and I appreciate all of the ways I'm a better person because of the lessons he has taught me.

Life Lesson One:                                 Wake up early
In the perspective of dog ownership:   (or else you will have to deal with accidents in the house).

Life Lesson Two:                                 Be prepared
In the perspective of dog ownership:    (bring a plastic bag whenever you go for a walk).

Life Lesson Three:                                Show love and affection at all times
In the perspective of dog ownership:    (even when you're upset with the dog if he did something bad).

Life Lesson Four:                                  Be loyal
In the perspective of dog ownership:     (because your dog will always be loyal to you).

Life Lesson Five:                                 Enjoy the stormy days along with the good days
In the perspective of dog ownership:   (because you're going to have to go outside in all conditions).

Dogs are angels on earth!!  Pet one today!  It's a great way to boost serotonin in your body,
plus you can meet your neighbors who are out walking their dogs,
and make a new friend (the human kind I mean).

<3 paz. amor. felicidad siempre

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